Saturday, October 6, 2012

Module 6: The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Book Summary

A hungry caterpillar awakes and looks for food.  Each day of the week he eats a little more than the previous day and on Saturday he really splurges which results in a stomach ache.  On Sunday he eats some good food intended for caterpillars - a green leaf - and then he feels better.  The caterpillar makes his cocoon and transforms into a butterfly.

APA Reference

Carle, E. (1969).  The very hungry caterpillar.  New York, NY:  Philomel Books.



I'm pretty sure I've read this book at least 100 times to my four children and I never get tired of it.  The illustrations are bright and fun.  Children love to try to poke their little finger through the "holes" in the book, and the varied page sizes ad interest as well.  It is very interactive, and young children will want to count how many fruits are on each page.  The illustrations correspond well to the text which makes it a great book for early readers -lots of clues!!  I love the illustrations and I love how so many concepts (counting, days of the week, metamorphosis, nutrition) are conveyed in a simple and engaging way.  A classic book that every child should have!

Professional Review

A caterpillar hatches out of his egg and is very hungry. On his first day, he eats through one piece of food; on his second, two, and so on. Little holes cut in the pages allow toddlers to wiggle their fingers through the food, just like the caterpillar. Vivid and colorful illustrations and ingenious layered pages help preschoolers learn the days of the week, how to count, and how a caterpillar turns into a butterfly. This picture book is considered a must for every toddler's library.

The very hungry caterpillar by Eric Carle.  [Review of the book The very hungry caterpillar by Eric Carle].  (n.d.).  Retrieved from


Library Uses

Use this book to collaborate with a teacher on a metamorphosis unit.  Get some caterpillars to keep in the library and each week when the students come in for their library time they can record the changes and draw a picture.  They will be so excited when they come in one week and there are butterflies!!

Book cover image from:

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